deKay's Lofi Gaming

World Championship Poker

Hooray! I’ve started making money now, and even paid off $5000 of my loan! “Texas Hold’em” seems to be my best variation at the moment, and I’ve found that if my two dealt cards are not a pair, then I just fold. If they are, then I bet high, and after The Turn if I have a three-of-a-kind or two pairs, then bet really high – if not, “check” and hope 🙂 I have -$9000 now, which isn’t bad considering …

World Championship Poker

The third of the games that arrived today. Played a couple of quick games, then went into the Career Mode and started losing money left right and centre. Rubbish. I even had to take out a loan for $10,000, most of which I have also lost. I did find the Darts and Air Hockey games though, but you don’t seem to make much money on them – $100 a time? No point!